Indian Cotton (also known as is aninnovative concept and it is Patented. This concept is brought down to be a game changer in the Cotton Textile Industry of India. We focus on all the stakeholders of the industry.
We are seeking to transform the existing traditional business methods into the online version, the so-called ‘e-commerce’business model, in order to ease the process of doing business in the industry. Now all the stake holders can participate in buying and selling their commodities from their fingertips.
Here, we integrate Cotton Farmer, Cotton Ginner, Cotton Spinner and Cotton Weaver in our online marketplace.
This is done so that the Cotton Farmer also gets maximum price realization as per domestic and world cotton live rates. Farmer can sell his ‘kappas crop’ to anybody in India. With our concept, Cotton Farmer can process his kappas crop into value addition like lint bales, cotton seed and sell it to any direct consumers in the world.
Indian cotton assures Cotton Ginners with maximum price realization by allowing them to sell their own processed bales, seed and waste with domestic and international buyers. Our mobile testing labs provide assured quality of the crop as we are accredited by NABL( ISO/IEC 17025:2017) If required, we also offer 70% commodity loan to Ginners with proper invoicing and stocking in our collateral manager’s godowns.
Cotton Spinners are provided with quality raw material consistently. We also offer 180 days (6 Months) credit line to Spinners with “A” credit ratings and also allow other Spinners who are backed with Bank guaranty or letter of credit option.We give the best possible price realization to Spinners with our unique option pricing named “Yarn MSP rate” [MSP means Minimum or Manufacturing Support Price]. We offer 70% of yarn MSP as commodity loan to Spinners [if required] with proper invoicing and stocking in our collateral manager’sgodowns.
Indian Cotton provides Weavers with various options to procure their yarn in advance with up to 6 months open credit to “A” credit rated customers and also to others backed by bank Guaranty or letter of credit.
Thanks to us, now the Foreign Buyers can directly purchasecotton bales, cotton yarn and cotton waste bales with assuredquality with ease by just providing an advance opening irrevocable letter of credit is required for one-time purchase and irrevocable revolving letter of credit is required to continue their purchases throughout the year.
Traders can take maximum advantage with our concept as they can buy any commodity with our guarantee in the quality and payment. They can gain by purchasing commodities under Normal Market sale option [cash terms] and selling the same commodity to any customer in MSP sale option [credit terms] to gain the maximum margin possible in the market.
Our concept introduces Franchise system in all stages so that all stake holders get the quick and best service with minimum time at your doorstep.
To know the particulars in detail, do check out the pages further.