Special Note : All Members can check raw cotton MSP prices through crop rate calculator, lint MSP rate through lint rate calculator and Yarn MSP through Yarn MSP calculator provided above links on your home page by proper log in to your account.
Cotton Seed Purchasers:
Cotton seed purchasers can register their names through registartion section and then they can participate in daily buying by giving "Bank Guranty" of some amount and seed allotment will be done on daily basis to these buyers upto 80% equilant amount of their "Bank Guarnty" produced, so that after allotment seed will be despatched automatically from ginners to the Cotton Seed buyer adress and they have to make the paymnet by RTGS on 3 rd day of allotment date by admin.
Here all seed purchasers can buy the seed on monthly auction or daliy auction system, monthly auction will be allowed to only those produced bank guranty with admin and they will get always first allotment, if any excess quantity is there then daily auction also will be held but for partciapting that auction cotton seed purchaser should deposit 25% margin money to get allotment and desptch of goods will be only after balance 75% money recieved by admin.
Cotton Seed Purchasers should use and update their reciept of goods in their integration software of our website.this integartion programme will be more useful to them for day to day monitoing and controling of seed purchase from ICS.com amd others too.
ICS P Ltd will charge 25 paise as service charges from cotton seed buyers.
Lint Bales traders & Expoorters :
ICS P Ltd will give lot of importance to cotton lint bale traders and exporters, they were specially Treated and they can buy the bales from from trade Terminals no 2 & 4 from farmers, Ginners or traders respectively, and again they can sell it in trade terminal no 3&4 as MSP sales and normal sales by seeing his margin money.and ICS P Ltd will charge specially traders @25 paise per kg as service charges to encourage more and more tarders for participating in this tarde. but make sure that No Traders will be allowed in MSP purchases in TRADE TERMINAL NO 1 & 3. but they can sell their products in MSP in trade terminal no 3 as seller and normla sales in Trade Terminal no 4.
But All Traders should pay margin money of 25% as upfront to get the Trade password to particapte in trade in various trade terminals, and they have to pay balance 80% before despatch of goods with 3 working days of Trading in Trade Terminal, this is must and should follow by all traders and 5% of margin money will returned only after submitting C forms or H forms respectively or they can also produce "Bank Guranty" to get the trade pass word and tarding will be allowed upto 80% equilant amount of "Bank Guaranty" and despatch of goods will be done accordingly but they have topay 100% invoice amount with in 3 rd day of Trading in Trade Terminal, if they fail to pay teh amount ICS P Ltd will encash the "Bank Guaranty" and block listed particular Trader for paymnet default. so no traders shoulkd use Bank Guarnty as last invoice paymnet option, Bank Guarnty will be valid for 3 years and it will be returned officially only either written request of individual company /firm after submitting all sales tax forms required or after cancelling the contract mutually by both parties.
All lint Bale Traders must do their activities of tarding and every thing from their Integration programme adn always keep updating the information in Integartion programme, so that every body fromadmin to seller will keep informing the status.
Lint Bale Importers :
Here all foriegn Buyers can register their details in registartion as lint bale imported as foriegn buyer, once after registartion they have to submit bank guaranty in standard format our bankers, and then they can get one tarde pass word by mail from admin, and they can partcipate in trading form their palce but as per Indian standard timings of 11 am to 5 pm [1 to 2 pm launch time] in all Trade Terminals from 1 to 4 and they can buy any quantity as per rates in INR and also into US cents/lb for FOB port and they can also check their C&F rate costing by using our rate conversion table mentioned in that particualr page.
Lint Bale Importers they can particpate in MSP purchases in tarde termianls no 1 &3 from farmers and ginners respectively, and normal sales of Seller [Farmer]option sale and buyer option slaes in tarde terminal no 2 & 4 with same procedure mentioned in Spinners services section. in MSP sales buyers will get upto 6 months differed credit and in normal sales payment must be recieved by seller with in 3 rd day of trading day, so foriegn buyer must make the paymnet in TT on same day or next day of Trading day so that sellers shoulkd realise the payment as per time and they have to plan their paymnets between monday to friday only, no delay is acceptable in paymnets otherwise they have to make additional amount as penalty or interest . so all foriegn buyers must understood our concept well and participate in Trading, here we dont entertain any letter of credits we only work on bank gurantys and TT paymnets in US dollors.so please do needful and let us know if any further query.
All foriegn buyers must understand the Lint bbale integration programme and do their activities from their integartion programme itself and always keep updating the information in integration programme so that from admin to seller keep informing the status.
ICS P Ltd will charge 2 cents/kg as service charges from all foriegn buyers.
Weavers as ultimate consumer of cotton yarn ICs P ltd will give full respect and offer all kinds of their services to weavers, and all weavers have to register their details in registartion section and produce the bank guarnty for soem amount and then admin will allot Trade pass word and they can particiapte in trading in trade termianl no 5 for MSP purchases and Trade termianl no 6 for Normal purchases of Seller option slae and buyer option slae.
Here In trade termianl no 5 will be purely and exclusively for weavers only as ultimate consumer of goods, here MSP rates of all counts as per their count and grade will be fixed by admin as per previaling cotton prices, and here there will be six options from MSP 1 to MSP 6 as per convincence of spinners they will offer their yarn in trade termianl no 5 and weavers can purchase directly with click and goods will be despoatched automatically to the weaver adress, the quality must be as per speciifications if any variation in quality buer can raise compalint in his integartion programme, upto 3 times if they cant get any positive reply fromseller then they can recomond block listing of that seller too, then admin will coem into the rescue of weaver and replace the goods at free of cost and same exopenses will be booked and deducted from seller account. In MSP sales all buyers / weavers should make their payments on every 15th day with equal instalment fixed by system and intimated to buyer by mail, if any default in paymnet then ICS P Ltd will encash the "Bank Guranty" and also block listed that particular buyer/weaver, please note admin will not allow any buyers to use bank guarnty as last bill paymnet option, because abnk Guarnty will be valid for 3 years it will be returned only after written request form buyers after submitting all sales tex forms or after canceling the contarct with ICS P ltd mutually by both.
In normal slaes weavers / buyers can participate in Trade Terminal no 6 and they can confirm the seller price quoted by seller in seller option sale and system will generate Trade Transaction number and will be intimated to both buyer and seller through their register contact details via sms and mail,payment must be made with in 3 rd day of Trading day in Trade Terminal and seller option slae will be conducted only on monday, wednesday and fridays of the week.
In Buyer option sale Buyer /weaver will quote his rate for their required count and quality and sellers will confirm the deal if they are ok with buyers peice, and here also payment will be make with 3 rd day of Trading in Trade Trminaland system will generate Trade Transaction number and will be intimated to both buyer and seller through their register contact details via sms and mail, buyer option sale will be conducted on every Tuesday, thursday and saturdays of the week.
Cotton Yarn Traders & Exporters:
Cotton Yarn Traders also will be allowed only in trade Terminal no 6 of normal slaes of seller option sale and buyer option slae as per above procedure mentioned in weaver section, but here Traders will have to pay 25% margin money or 100% Bank Guranty, then trade passwword will be allotted to Traders and thenthey can partciapte in tarde termianl no 6 either in seller option slae or buyer option slae or both after tarding they have to pay the payment of balance 75% with in 3 rd day of Trading day if they use margin money option, if they use bank guarathy option then they can particpate in trade and then despatch of good s will be done automatically but they have to make the payment of 100% invoice with in 3 rd day of trading day, at any point of Time Traders cant use bank Guarnty as last invoice payment option, it will create to block listing of the buyer, Bank guarnty will be valid for 3 years and can be returned only after written request fro buyer after submitting of sale stex forms or mutually cancelling the contract with ICS P Ltd.so pleas note and understnd the concept perfectly if any queries please write a mail to ceo.ics.com@gmai.com.
Cotton yarn traders &exporters can take the best use of Integration programme and they can do their actvities mainly from the integartion programme only, and always keep updating entire information In integration programme so that from admin to seller keep informing the status.
Cotton yarn Importers:
Cotton Yarn Importers can register their details in registartion section as foirign buyer and after registartion they have to submit bank guaranty in standard format of our bankers, and then they can get one tarde pass word by mail from admin, and they can partcipate in trading form their palce but as per Indian standard timings of 11 am to 5 pm [1 to 2 pm launch time] in all Trade Terminals from 5 & 6 and they can buy any quantity as per rates in INR and also into US cents/lb for FOB port mentioned in seperate columns and they can also check their C&F rate costing by using our rate conversion table mentioned in that particualr page.
Cotton Yarn Importers they can particpate in MSP purchases in tarde termianls no 5 of spinners, and normal sales of Seller [Farmer]option sale and buyer option slaes in tarde terminal no 6, with same procedure mentioned in Spinners or weavers services section. in MSP sales buyers will get upto 6 months differed credit and in normal sales payment must be recieved by seller with in 3 rd day of trading day, so foriegn buyer must make the paymnet in TT on same day or next day of Trading day so that sellers shoulkd realise the payment as per time and they have to plan their paymnets between monday to friday only, no delay is acceptable in paymnets otherwise they have to make additional amount as penalty or interest . so all foriegn buyers must understood our concept well and participate in Trading, here we dont entertain any letter of credits we only work on bank gurantys and TT paymnets in US dollors.so please do needful and let us know if any further query.
All cototn yarn importer must understand the cotton yarn importer integration programme and do their activities from their integartion programme itself and always keep updating the information in integration programme so that from admin to seller keep informing the status.
ICS P Ltd will charge 2.5 cents/kg as service charges from all foriegn buyers.
Spinners waste Buyers,Traders & Exporters :
All buyers and Traders of spinners waste can register their details in registartion section and then they can deposit 25% margin money or 100% bank Guarnty so that they will get one Trade pass word from admin of ICS P Ltd by mail and then they can particiapte in Trading in Trade Terminal no 7, here spinners will update their waste quantitys and rates as per the type of waste and all buyers can participate and buy the quantity either in seller option sale or buyer option sale.
seller option sale: Here all sellers[spinners] will quote their rates for each and every typoe of waste and required buyers will confirm the deal if they are ok with that price and then system will genearte auto Trade transaction number and intimated to both buyer ands seller and despath of goods will be done automatically if buyer provide bank guarnty otherwise despatch of goods will be happened only after reciept of balance payment from the buyers.in both cases payment must recieved by seller on 3 rd day of trading day, if any paymnet default by buyer will leads to block listing of that particualr buyer.and also no buyer is allowed to use bank guarnty as last Invocie paymnet, it will also leads block listing of that particlaur buyer, bank guarnty will be returned only after written request from buyer after submitting all sales tax forms or mutually cancelling the contract with ICS P Ltd. and seller option slae will be conducted only on monday, wednesday and fridays of the week
Buyer option slae: Here all buyers will quote their rates for each and every type of waste they required and sellers will confirm the deal if they are ok with that price and then system will genearte auto Trade transaction number and intimated to both buyer ands seller and despath of goods will be done automatically if buyer provide bank guarnty otherwise despatch of goods will be happened only after reciept of balance payment from the buyers.in both cases payment must recieved by seller on 3 rd day of trading day, if any paymnet default by buyer will leads to block listing of that particualr buyer.and also no buyer is allowed to use bank guarnty as last Invocie paymnet, it will also leads block listing of that particlaur buyer, bank guarnty will be returned only after written request from buyer after submitting all sales tax forms or mutually cancelling the contract with ICS P Ltd. and Buyer option slae will be conducted only on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays of the week
All spinners waste buyers can make use of spiners waste buyers integartion programme developed by ICS P Ltd and all buyers can do their actvities of their entire tarde by using our integartion programme so that they will get more advantages with our integartion programme.and always keep updating the entire intimation in Integartioon programme so that every body from admin to seller keep inform the status.
ICS P Ltd will be charged @ 25paise per kg as service charges.
Spinners waste Importers:
Spinners waste Importers can register their details in registartion section as foirign buyer and after registartion they have to submit bank guaranty in standard format of our bankers, and then they can get one tarde pass word by mail from admin, and they can partcipate in trading form their palce but as per Indian standard timings of 11 am to 5 pm [1 to 2 pm launch time] in all Trade Terminals from 7 and they can buy any quantity as per rates in INR and also into US cents/lb for FOB port mentioned in seperate columns and they can also check their C&F rate costing by using our rate conversion table mentioned in that particualr page.
Spinners waste Importers they can particpate in normal sales of Seller [Farmer]option sale and buyer option slaes in tarde terminal no 7, with same procedure mentioned in Spinners or weavers services section. In normal sales payment must be recieved by seller with in 3 rd day of trading day, so foriegn buyer must make the paymnet in TT on same day or next day of Trading day so that sellers shoulkd realise the payment as per time and they have to plan their paymnets between monday to friday only, no delay is acceptable in paymnets otherwise they have to make additional amount as penalty or interest . so all foriegn buyers must understood our concept well and participate in Trading, here we dont entertain any letter of credits we only work on bank gurantys and TT paymnets in US dollors.so please do needful and let us know if any further query.
All Spinners waste importers must understand the Spinners waste importer integration programme and do their activities from their integartion programme itself and always keep updating the information in integration programme so that from admin to seller keep informing the status.
ICS P Ltd will charge 1 cent/kg as service charges from all foriegn buyers.